Monday, April 4, 2011

Somewhere out there, if love can see us through...

I'm somewhat of a hopeless romantic. I don't know if you have caught on from previous posts, but I am in love with the idea of love. However, I have never been IN love. I'm not sure if I have ever been even close. But it's something I know I don't want to miss out on. I'm nervous that I will never find what I'm looking for. I am notoriously picky when it comes to guys, but I think it's because I am so scared. I want everything to be perfect, and I figure, if I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer. Most of the time, I am fine not being in a relationship. Who has the time anyway? But every so often, I'll hear a certain love song or see a particularly cute couple, and I'll get wistful, and a little jealous. Why can't I have that? Which right now is silly of me, someone who wants to transfer and go to a new school. And there's not a lot of prospects that fit what I want in a guy. (I am picky, after all) So I guess I should be alright. The topic of love always gets me a little phamished. Anyway, I wish everyone the best of luck in love.

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