Friday, April 1, 2011

Back to the Future...

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the future. And that, to me, means tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, twenty years from now. If I have to think about something further than fifteen minutes from right now, I consider it the future. Mostly because I have this need to know what I am doing, at every moment. Even if that "thing" is just sitting in my pj's on a Friday night, simply because I don't feel like going out and being social. I like plans, but I like spontaneity even more. Which is very contradictory. But back to what I mean by thinking about the future. I am trying to transfer from my university in Northern California to one in Southern California. Unfortunately, I made a disastrous calculating error, and I only have fifty-nine units, and I need sixty to transfer. Because of this, I am trying my darndest to get in, sending multiple letters and trying desperately to find a last minute class to take. It's making me panicky, because I hate not knowing what I am doing. If I don't get into this college, I will need to take a semester at a local junior college in Southern California, something I really really do not want to do. It is scaring me not knowing where my life is going exactly, especially when I decided to swerve off my life path and transfer schools. I am making a huge change, and I am not very good with change. This is one of the scariest things I have ever done. Cross your fingers and your toes for me guys. I need all the luck I can get. 

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