Saturday, June 18, 2011

Top 20 Reasons Why I Am An Awful Hipster

Reasons why I make a terrible hipster:

1. I smile all the time.
2. I only listen to mainstream music. I'm way too damn lazy to find stuff no one has heard of.
3. I'm in a sorority, and I adore it.
4. I say words like adore.
5. I refuse to tell anyone I know that I have a blog.
6. I'm a pretty positive person.
7.  My bicycle is not a fixie. In fact, I'm not entirely sure what a fixie is. A fake pixie?
8. My favorite movie is a Pixar cartoon, not some absurdist french movie no one has ever seen.
9. I'm secretly a small child, and have all the same interests as one.
10. Cigarettes make me ill.
11. I get cold when my tights are too ripped.
12. I like to wash my hair.
13. I don't own a giant Nikon or a polaroid camera.
14. I don't play an instrument. Or sing.
15. I wasn't aware that tumblr was mainstream...
16. I dislike Jack Kerouac.
17. I enjoy chick flicks.
18. I wear glasses because I've had a lazy eye since I was 4 years old, not to look cool. In fact, I only wear my glasses when it is absolutely necessary.
19. I am not attracted to hipster guys. 

And the top reason I make a terrible hipster, I will admit that I have hipster qualities and tendencies. (Ohhh the scandal!)

And that ladies and jelly beans is why I would make a horrible hipster.

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