Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than perfect

I am overdramatic, and I talk WAY too much. My natural volume is loud, and I giggle non-stop. I only know how to laugh out loud, and yes, I insist on laughing at my own jokes. I might be the only one who thinks I'm funny, but I've come to terms with that. I am random, and will make a fool of myself anytime, anyplace. I have the maturity of an 8 year old combined with that of a mother of 5 children. I will never pretend to be someone I'm not. I will dance in public, and often to music no one else can hear. I march to the beat of my own drum. I'm not super hot or gorgeous. I don't have the best figure, and I am no model.  I do have a nice smile, and I smile often. I have long brown hair that I'm trying to grow out to "mermaid length".  I've never been kissed, but I've been on a bunch of bad first dates. I'm okay with not having a boy friend, and figure, if I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer for the real deal. I'm patient. I am a hopeless romantic and believe that there is someone for everyone. I change my mind every five minutes. I have an abstract idea on what I want to do with my life, but I know that life might take me on a path I haven't planned yet. I'm a messy eater, but I can cook circles around most college students. I'm an artist, and I strive to be creative in everything I do. I have more fun than anyone else at the gym, and I try to make every day more fun than the one before it. I'm that girl dancing on the ellipticals, in the parking lot, at your local school. I have no shame, and it's very hard to embarrass me. I never got on the vampire bandwagon. I think sunrises are more romantic than sunsets, because there only a select few watching them. Disneyland is my religion, and I'm a go big or go home kind of girl. I don't take life very seriously and it shows.

I am no where close to perfect, and I'm not trying to be. I am proud of who am, and who I have become. I know that I am going to do great things, and hopefully make a difference. Every woman should strive to be the best she can be, and not fit into any one box. No one's opinion should change how you feel about yourself, whether it be a guy, a friend, a family member. It's all about you, baby. 

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