Sunday, January 16, 2011

Making the hipsters fall in love.

Mini rant of the day:

I have a style that is referred to nowadays as "hipster" or "indie". I personally have an issue with this. Mostly because I don't dress to fit a label, I dress to how I feel that day or that moment. I sometimes have a theme, or an idea in mind. I do like thrift store finds and vintage, but I also like clothes I find at Target. And maybe American Apparel is just so damn comfortable. My personal style is a mix of influences, and I really hate to be labeled.  And beyond that, what movies I like and what I like to read is also being put into a category as well. Maybe I just like mustaches, Toy Story and Alice In Wonderland. This used to be just strange, not cool. I am constantly changing, and therefore how can I fit into a box? But I am not a hipster. Or indie. Maybe a hippie, but that's because I like to hug trees and I love pretty much everyone. That i just my ideals, not my surface appearance. I like what I like and I do what I want. I used to be weird, and now I'm hip. Weird how that works out, isn't it?


  1. Fads come and's always best to just dress how you feel! :) Keep it up girl.

  2. i loveee the pictures in your blog!
    love the post :)
