Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh baby, baby, baby, oh.

So, as I said before, my semester just started, and yet, I have a butt ton of homework. I have no idea if anyone even reads this blog, but I'm going to use it to tell you about something that is currently consuming my life, in the best way possible.

First off, I am in an amazing production called The Vagina Monologues. Written by Eve Ensler, this show is to promote awareness against all kinds of violence against women. Besides being a part of an amazing cause, I am a part of an amazing group of women who never fail to inspire me when I am with them. I am also a part of a sorority, so I feel so privileged to have so many wonderful women a part of my life. Last night, I took part in a photo shoot for the poster, and it was so inspiring. I'm not going into detail, but it was interesting. 

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