Friday, February 3, 2012


Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky

For when you need to smile on a gloomy day.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Crown Rings and Dumble Doors.

So I've totally neglected this blog and that makes me a little sad, so I'm going to change that. I have lots of rantings to post, but it is almost 2am and I am getting a bit sleepy. So instead, here's some inspiration, and expect some more posts soon!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wanted: Nerd for love

Guys, all I really need is boy who is a huge dorks and likes the Muppets to love me. Is that so much to ask?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Only fools fall in love

So remember when I warned you all that I would use this as a journal? Well, that time has come. So there is this boy I have known for going on five years now. For one and a half of those five years, I had a tiny crush on him. I suppressed my feelings because I felt like I was being silly, he was a year and a half younger than me. I vaguely referred to it at the time, and he was like oh, cool. Maybe he was too young to get that I wanted something more. After that blip, we became best friends. Then I went off to college, while he still had 2 more years of high school. I'd text him every so often, and I'd see him on break, but that was really it. Until this summer. We hung out all the time, mostly going to the local dog park with his golden lab retriever. We somehow became really close. And then we both went to college. Today we hung out again, and somehow, I'm attracted to him again. He's not that different, but I feel selfish. I don't want him going back, I want him to stay with me. I wanted him to man up, and kiss me. He got so close multiple times in those two hours we were at the dog park today. I swear, do I smell? Even if he had just grabbed my hand. MER. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Missing you.

Have you ever missed someone much more than they could possibly miss you? I mean, it's very possible he misses me just as much, but he never says it first. It's always me saying that I miss him, and then he tells me that he misses me too. But does he really miss me, or does he just feel it'd be rude to not say so? I sometimes feel like I shouldn't miss this person, as they are two years younger and just starting college. And clearly, they never miss me first. But there is just something about this person where I know he is meant to be in my life, in whatever capacity. And because I know this, I will try my darndest to make it happen. I have no idea where our friendship is going to take us, but I desperately want to find out. I want this person to be in my life forever. So maybe I miss him more than I should. But is that really so bad? 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Days Are Here Again

Long time no post, folks. Sorry about that, I get distracted very easily. But tonight I am home in my real house, the one I have lived in for years being VERY anti-social. All weekend (since Thursday night, really) I have been in the very long process of moving into an apartment close to my new school. This has made me not only tired, but I don't even want to be social. I am very content with sitting in my pj's, watching the Graduate for my popular culture English class. However, I feel like I am doing something wrong, that I am so content with not talking to anyone. I also have an overwhelming desire to play dress up in my clothes (one of my favorite past times), but unfortunately the majority of my clothes are currently a forty five minute drive away, which makes it very hard to try them on in different manners. I probably should start on my homework, but I don't quite understand the directions, so I feel as though it'd be pointless. More proof I need to move out, I am so not in the mindset of school. Anyhoo, here's some inspiration to help you through the  week, I know I'm going to need it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Sooo I have a tumblr. You are free to check it out if you'd like, it's very similar to this blog. Almost the same url, in fact.